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BassCase - Portable BoomBoxes Making All The Right Noises

BassCase - Portable BoomBoxes Making All The Right Noises


BassCase is one of those ideas that you wish that you had had yourself (before realising you would probably lack the motivation and it is best left to someone else). Created out of a loathing of low quality portable speakers from other manufacturers, BassCase is a small scale operation at present based in Herefordshire  but news is travelling and orders are picking up fast. You name it – BassCase have, or will put a speaker in it. Crammed inside each case comes a rechargeable battery and amp giving 5+ hours single charge (at the very least) – perfect for those long days at the beach.




As for connections each BassCase comes with a standard 3.5mm jack for easy connection to your phone, iPod or anything else that takes your fancy. Also available is an option to add Bluetooth Connectivity. Natty.

USB connections can also be added to charge phones etc, which is part of the beauty of BassCases - they can be customised to your own specifications.

Dig out your old lunchbox and you can have it converted into your own mini antisocial behaviour box, or if you don't have just steal one off a small child. They are easy targets.


There's a number of pre-made BassCases ready to buy over at the website – or get info on all the latest developments and new cases on the BassCase Facebook page and Twitter feed.

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